Back in Motion On Demand

Backin Motion is a local Physiotherapy and Pilates studio. During the lockdown last year they realised the importance of having a great online presence and service for their existing customers while also having an option to obtain new customers.
The Back in Motion team can create as many subscriptions as they like fro the farcry admin.
They've created a series of instructional pilates videos and uploaded them to Vimeo. From their Farcry driven site they can;
- create Stripe subscriptions and prices
- create/manage new and existing users
- invite them to complete the sign in process
- allow them access to different subscription levels.
Casual users can sign up through the Back in Motion website as well and use the integrated Stripe payment system to try a 7 day free trial. After the free trial, stripe will handle the payments and invoicing for the subscription.
Users can always sign in and manage their subscriptions and profile.
and find out more.